I have both good news and bad news to break. The bad news is, my Infinitebux account was suspended. The sad part is, there was no reason, no email notification, no whatsoever form of communication to say why my account was blocked or suspended. I don't know if I would consider it a scam but I'm close to believing that. I'm glad though that it happened earlier while I'm still fairly new to the program, about 2 weeks. I haven't earned that much that will cause me to grieve for not receiving payment.
I just noticed that it has been a prevalent occurrence of online programs closing or suspending their member's account without any notification or warning. I must say that there a lot of people who are doing their best to make money the decent way, but if this kind of situation kicks in, it surely will cause more heartache than the lost of a few cents. I just hope that program administrators or PTC owners will have at least the decency and transparency to inform their members and present the reason for suspension or blocking.
On the good side, here is a glimpse of hope that there are still reliable PTC's that's keeping the balance between scam sites and the legitimate. I just received another instant payment from my Neobux account through Paypal. I have not been able to fully track my progress but as of the moment Neobux is still the best PTC I can personally recommend. As I'm still a standard member, I'm looking forward to upgrading my account within the year through my online earnings also.
As of now: Rented Referrals: 67 Direct Referrals: 2 Investment: $10 - for 40 referrals rented Last Payment Received: $3.20 - May 1, 2009