Paid to post sites have become a phenomenal hit to many online money makers. There are forums, discussion rooms, and PTP's cum social networks which enjoy a popular following because of its double edged purpose, to socialize and to earn. These sites not only provide an avenue to share and socialized but many have turned it to cashcows by taking advantage of the rewards for active participation. The topics are not bound or restricted to a single area but in most cases are varied or general in nature. Before joining these sites, here are a few tips for you to consider:
Things to Remember in joining Paid to Post sites:
1. Always make sure that you read the terms and conditions of whatever site whether PTP or PTC you are joining. This is mandatory in order for you to know where to draw the line and avoid being banned or kicked. Some sites restrict the posting of banners or links but to some they may be allowed so to be sure that what you are doing is right, read the TOS. 2. Follow the rules. Its not just enough reading the rules, because the better part of knowledge is wisdom. Apply and observe that you follow the rules. The saddest part of joining money making sites is getting banned or suspended when you have already earned a few bucks and awaiting payment. So to avoid the unnecessary heartache, live by the rules. 3. Grab your referrals. In most cases, PTPs have referral programs or revenue sharing schemes, so don't forget to bring some friends with you for faster and more fun money making. 4. Actively participate. The secret to a successful PTP membership and high earning is to actively participate. If you have some noteworthy idea, say it. It's better for you to have someone comment whether your idea is good or bad than to keep it to yourself then read a similar post that's earning a lot. 5. Make friends. Every forum or paid social networking site is a good place to get to know other people who have the same passion and drive, to earn online. So this is the best place to learn of other people's secrets and discover other ways that you can personally apply. 6. Promote. If you have found a good paying site, promote it. This does not only increase your chances of getting referrals but it can give you other points of contact that you can use for other purposes in the future. You can use your blog, your social networks, or your email signature to do this campaign.