Social Networks
I started with online social networking back in my college years using a simple Friendster account . And until now, the network I have created still exist. I have collected over a few hundred friends. Some are long lost folks in my high school years and some friends I have not seen in person for decades, while the others are from my adventures online.
Today, social networks continue to sprout like mushrooms blooming in their peak season. We have seen the rise of Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and a few others.
Okay, so what does this have to do with online
money making?
Well you don't need to have a marketing or business degree to know how important it is. Creating a huge network of contacts does not only provide a stream of people to socialize with. These contacts, if properly tapped can be translated into business prospects that can greatly increase your potential earnings. Consider everyone in your list as a possible consumer of your product or a referral prospect of your program.
I have personally experienced how this have made wonders in my online money making. As you know, ver
y recently, Destroy Debt have been giving out cash for bringing in referrals to their site. It's a revenue sharing program that benefits the referrer. And what happened after I have brought in just six of my contacts? They literally worked my way to receiving the final payout which could have been impossible without them.
Another beneficial effect of social networking is the fact that it gives you a more diverse access for more ideas that is otherwise difficult if you are just going to think on your own. A simple interaction can bring in information that may not even cross your mind.
Building Reputation
Social networks are there to stay. And in the long run, everyone can't escape the need to socialize and connect. But staying connected is more than actively participating, it has to go hand in hand with creating a reputation of trustworthiness. Build your network and at the same time build your reputation as a reliable source or worthy information. Make sure that you don't just participate for the sake of it, but participate so that others may also benefit from you.