Blog Traffic for a Newbie
So now you have a blog. A clean slate to start with, well thought posts, an attractive theme, but how does money come in? Ok... I guess this is a typical situation that many novice and wannabe bloggers face with a blank stare. And if you are one of the new ones in the area of blogging you will know that you are not even one half of what lies ahead before your site turns to a treasure pot.
Honestly, this has been one of my frustrations when I started with my blog. I actually placed a hit counter and to my surprise, the counter seems to have been stuck in 10, a few moments after, I went back in and saw it ticked 11. I never realized that it was all me who was visiting my own site.
Of course you wouldn't want to be ticking on your own ads, signing up on your own referral links else you find yourself in deeper mire of being banned by your affiliate sites. So what's the trick with traffic?
I have a few suggestions which won't make a miracle but will bring you to some realizable traffic, and if done religiously, and diligently can bring great results.
1. Social Networks
Socializing in facebook, friendster, twitter, myspace is a very good venue to make your blogs known. Putting your link in your profile can give you surprising results especially if you are actively participating. And again... sensible participation that is.
2. Adgitize
This is the first site where I invested $14 and received $10 in return plus thousands of traffic from a majority of likeminded people, bloggers. I actually prefer this platform considering that you are not only rewarded from the advertising you made but you also get the needed traffic which can eventually turn into more profits.
3. Entrecard
Commonly known as EC. Some consider this site as a source of empty traffic and would increase your bounce rate but I think it is still a good option to add this considering that they are revamping their methodologies and putting in some monetary reward to their members who visit other blogsites.
4. Forums
I got entangled with online money making when I joined PinoyMoneyTalk. And after hours of pouring myself in the forum, reading different posts, ideas and tips, it helped me decide to venture on my own search for other income streams. And after that, there's no looking back. That is just one of the many sites where you can find great informational materials. There are various forums where you can join and enhance your knowledge as well as your expertise on the subjects you are dealing with. So explore other forums and focus forums where you can exchange ideas to talk about in your blog.
5. Friends and Family
I'm pretty sure your family can be the best supporter to your endeavor. So don't forget to include them in your list of possible source of traffic. Just make sure that your family member or friend won't be embarrassed to introduce your work to their cliques. They can actually be a good promoter/advertiser especially if they see that your work is worth being told to their friends and inner circle.
entrecard is going download what with kicking us out of the forums and only paying a select few :(